What is aluminum, complete information

Aluminum is a chemical element found in metallization. It is the most commonly found metal in the earth's crust. One major ore of aluminum is - Bauxite. It is mainly made up of aluminum oxide, iron oxide, and some other impurities. These impurities are removed by the Bayer process, leaving only alumina (Al2O3). Pure aluminum is obtained from alumina by electrical decomposition.

Aluminum metal is the conductor of heat and heat and is very light. Because of this, it is used in making airplane parts. In India, huge deposits of bauxite are found in Jammu and Kashmir, Mumbai, Kolhapur, Jabalpur, Ranchi, Sonbhadra, Balaghat and Katni. Orissa-based NALCO is the world's cheapest aluminum manufacturer.

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Aluminum history

Aluminum is a white colored metal. Alum means Latin word and English word alum means alum. The metal that could be separated from this alum was named aluminum. Our introduction to alum is very old. Kankshi, Tuvari and Saurashtra are its old names. Alum is in fact a double compound of potassium sulfate and aluminum sulfate.

In 1754, Marggraf demonstrated that the soil called alumina is different from lime. Sir Humphrey Davy tried to separate the metal from alumia soil in 1807, but was not successful. In 1825, Oersted heated aluminum chloride with potassium content and then distilled the mercury.

The powder that survived when doing so had a metallic luster (dhatwabha). This metal is called aluminum. In 1845, Frederik Wohler used potassium metal as a reducing agent in the preparation of this metal.

Aluminum extraction

Two minerals are of special use for preparing aluminum metal. One is bauxite (Al2 O3. 2H2O) and the other cryolite (3NaF. Al F3). Extensive deposits of bauxite have been found in the districts of Ranchi, Palamu, Jabalpur, Balaghat, Salem, Belgaum, Kolhapur, Thana etc. in India. The permitted quantity of this mineral in this country is 28 million tonnes

The first attempt made to produce aluminum metal is to obtain pure alumina from bauxite. A method of purification of bauxite is named after the Baeyer method. In this, bauxite is absorbed with hot caustic soda solution to form sodium aluminate. This aluminate solution is sieved and alumina is precipitated from it. (Alumina trihydrate seeds are absorbed in the manufactured solution of precipitation, causing all alumina to precipitate).

Properties of aluminum

physical properties

Atomic weight: 26.97

Relative heat (at 20 C): 0.214

Relative heat conductivity (color per cm cube, per degree C, per second, at 18 ° C): 0.504

Melting point (99.97% purity): Rs 659.8

Boiling Point: 1800 degrees

Secret heat of melting: 95.3

Relative density: 2.703

Density of fluid at melting point: 2.382

Electrical resistance, 20 ° C At: 2.845 (micrometres per cm)

Electrical chemical equivalent: 0.00009316 grams per coulomb

Reflectivity (for white light): 85%

Chemical Properties of Aluminum

Oxygen does not have any effect on ordinary heat on aluminum, but if the metal powder is exposed to oxygen at 400 degrees, substantial reduction occurs. Water does not affect the pure metal, but in the presence of copper, brass or other metals, the effect of water is also sufficient. Carbon or carbon oxides convert the metal to carbide (Al4 C3) at high temperature. In the presence of mercury and moisture, the metal becomes hydroxide.

If a mixture of aluminum powder and sodium peroxide drops only a few drops of water, a loud explosion will occur. A mixture of aluminum powder and potassium permanganate gives intense light when burned. On heating the metal powder also burns with halogen and nitrogen and aluminum halides and nitrides are formed. This metal also reacts vigorously with bromine and iodine solutions made in dry ether to form bromide and iodide. Sulfur, Sulfur, selenium, and tellurium are combined with this metal only when heated. Hydrochloric acid, when heated, reacts with the metal to form chloride.

Aluminum alloys

Aluminum combines with almost all metals to form alloys, of which Toba, iron, zinc, manganese, magnesium, nickel, chromium, lead, bismuth and vanadium are the main ones. These alloys are of two types of work - pitwa and dhalwan. Plates, rods, etc. are prepared from alloys. They also have two castes, one that can be beaten and brought to the desired position without overheating, and those which have to be heated. Here are two samples of pitwind and cast alloys -

Copper 8%, Iron 1%, Silicon 1.2%, Aluminum 89.8% Brittle: Copper 0.9%, Silicon 12.5%, Magnesium 1.0%, Nickel 0.9%, Aluminum 84.7%

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