How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil 3D

friends, welcome to our website In today's article, you must have read the information we want to publish in the title, which is the title, How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil, I have noticed many people are searching on Google Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil 3D so I thought why not tell you how you can easily draw Splatter with pencil, let's know

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

To draw Splatter with a pencil, you will need these things

Paper, pencil, rubber, color full marker, a small piece of paper, friends, making a splatter with a pencil is not a difficult task, if you practice two or three times, your hands will freeze at once and you will make a drawing of such a splatter which is to be seen. But it will be real, so let's know from step number 1

Tips 1.  friends, first of all, you have to take a piece of paper, keep the size of the paper according to you, how big are you going to make the splatter, after that you have to print the design of the splatter on the paper with the help of a pencil, if you are finding it difficult, then this photo have a look at

Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

Tips 2. Friends, keep in mind that the Splatter you are going to make should be with a very accurate drawing, that means you should not make too much oblique or crooked, you should make it exactly as shown in the image, for this you draw again when Till your hand does not make an accurate drawing, friends, when you make a good draw with the pencil of Splatter, make it like it is shown in the image, if it becomes a little wrong, you can correct it by erasing it using rubber, as soon as the splatter becomes you marker With the help of marker, draw line on the corner of the splatter

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil
Image: How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

Tips 3.  friends, when you mark all the corners of the splatter with a marker, after that your splatter will be highlighted as seen in the image, now you have to draw it with your color full marker, this you use watercolor means light blue color It has to fill all the corners

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil
image: How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil
How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

Tips 4.  Friends, when you color with a colorful marker in Splatter, then it will look very beautiful as if it is real as it is visible in the photo, now you have to make it more real, then we have to gradually darken it in blue to highlight more Now you will design it according to your own, as the color will be in it, your splatter will look more spectacular.

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

Tips 5.  As seen in the photo, we have almost drawn it, now we have to color it so that the pencil made by us will make the splatter look real, this is the last point, hope you have drawn it correctly when and If you do dark color then your splatter will be completely complete, see photo

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil

How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil See Video 

Friends, if you are still facing trouble in making Splatter, then definitely watch this video, how you can easily draw Splatter with the help of a pencil in few minutes.


what have you learned?

Friends, hope you have learned to make How To Draw Paint Splatter With Pencil easily through this post, friends, if you like this post of ours, then definitely tell by commenting.

Friends, drawing Splatter is not a difficult task, nowadays children take it easy and jokes, try it two or three times, you will learn easily if you have any question or suggestion, if you have any doubt, definitely tell us in the comment

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