10 Lines on My Garden,

I love the Garden. Welcome friends, today we are going to tell you about Lines on My Garden, I hope you will definitely like it. I write these few lines on my garden for all the students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.

10 Lines on My Garden,

10 Lines on My Garden

  1. There is a small beautiful garden in front of my house.
  2. There are many beautiful flowers in my garden like rose, hibiscus, marigold, and jasmine.
  3. My grandfather loves gardening and works in our garden every day.
  4. He taught me how to water the plants daily.
  5. I play in the garden every evening with my pet dog, Tommy.
  6. Whenever I go on vacation with my family, we go to the nursery in the neighborhood and collect more plants for our garden.
  7. My favorite flower is a rose and we have different varieties in our garden.
  8. Every day the sun shines on the plants and beautiful butterflies hover over the flowers.
  9. There is an apple tree in my garden that bears sweet fruits.
  10. Gardening is my favorite hobby and I love spending time in my garden.

Lines on My Garden

There is a small beautiful garden in my house, this garden is very beautiful, all my friends and neighbors like this garden big.

I have very beautiful flowers in my garden which are in various different colors like red, yellow, pink. There is also green velvety grass in the whole garden and fruit trees are also planted around the garden like guava tree, lemon tree, and a big mango tree. All these trees give fruit from time to time.

My Garden Essay Lines

There are bushes all around the garden, which are tubular, on which small white colored flowers grow. Shrubs protect the garden from animals. Many birds have made their nests on the trees in the garden, in the morning, the sound of birds' chirping starts coming. Beautiful flowers and green grass in my garden are very beautiful to see. Many of my friends have prepared a garden in their house after seeing my beautiful garden.

My Garden Paragraph

There is also a big neem tree in my garden, on which we put a swing in the summer holidays and swing with fun. Due to the presence of so many trees, there is always shade and coolness here. There is no feeling of heat here at all. Me and my friends play here.

On one side of the garden, we grow vegetables, here we grow carrots, radishes and turnips, and in the summer season we grow tauri, okra and gourd. I do spend some time every day in my garden and water the trees and plants as per the need and the smell of the air here brings freshness to my mind.

Gardens connect us with nature, that's why everyone must make a garden in their home.

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