5 Sentence about Cow | 5 Lines on Cow

 Hello welcome your friends, today we will know 5 Sentence about Cow | 5 Lines on Cow In English, this article will be of great help to those students who are searching on google, information about  5 Sentence about Cow | 5 Lines on Cow In English this article is very simple and easy to remember of this essay. The level is very low, but any student can write this article about this subject, this article can be written by students from class 1, class 2, and class 3, 4, class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 

5 Sentence about Cow | 5 Lines on Cow

5 sentences about cow for class 1, 2, 3, 4,5 

1. The cow is a valuable homegrown creature. 

2. It has two eyes, four legs and one tail. 

3. Cow likes to eat green grass. 

4. Cow waste likewise valuable for soil. 

5. I love its milk. 

5 lines on cow for class 6, 7, 8, 9,10 

1. The Cow is a natural creature to us. 

2. We have two cows. 

3. One is dark and one is red. 

4. The dark cow gives us milk. 

5. This creature is essential to us. 

Few Line On Cow

1. The cow is a quiet creature. 

2. It eats new and green grass. 

3. Cows milk is useful for our wellbeing. 

4. Cows milk use for making Ghee, Dahi, sweet and so on 

5. The cow is well known in India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
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Friends, in school or in an examination, children are asked to about 5 Sentence about Cow | 5 Lines on Cow, friends, with this article you can do your homework effectively if you like this article of ours, then definitely share it and if you have any Have questions or suggestions, please tell us by commenting

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  • Pooja
    Pooja September 17, 2021 at 9:35 PM

    Very Informative blogs and read more about the Essay on Cow in Hindi and keep share it for more information

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